Tag: Server

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The modern digital landscape has hackers who constantly evolve their tactics, so a focus on cyber defense becomes paramount. When cyber threats loom large, businesses and individuals must remain vigilant against the ever-present danger of malware. Given the greater importance of cybersecurity as a priority for online ventures big and small, companies like Malwarebytes are leading the fight against malicious software.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In this article, we will be discussing what it means to employ a “Managed Server” versus an “Unmanaged Server” and what the primary differences are. This article is written in response to ongoing questions we have received from clients regarding the types of resources, services, and capabilities that are included when a managed server is selected for use.

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Reading Time: 12 minutes

Table of Contents

  1. What is Systemctl?
  2. Managing Services
  3. System State Overview
  4. What is a Unit File?
  5. Working with Unit Files
  6. Using Targets (Runlevels)
  7. Stopping or Rebooting the Server
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQ

What is Systemctl?

Systemctl is a command-line tool that allows for the management and monitoring of the systemd system and service manager. It consists of a range of system management utilities, libraries, and daemons that have replaced the previous System V (SysV) init daemon. With its various commands, systemctl proves to be a helpful tool in managing a server's services. It provides detailed information about individual systemd services as well as those that have system-wide usage.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

If you’re in business in the modern world, you’re on the web – it doesn’t matter who you are. From hobbyists to artists, to schools, soccer clubs, and large corporations with hundreds or thousands of employees, these groups use websites to distribute their thoughts, ideas, and products.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Choosing the right hosting environment is essential in positioning a business for successful growth. Companies operate differently based on clientele, the need to process information/orders, and how quickly market adaptation changes are needed. The common thread is the necessity of being digital to survive in today’s economy. Eventually, you’ll reach the crossroad of comparing a cloud server to a physical server to determine your best hosting environment.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Websites and applications with a large amount of traffic will benefit from load balancing. We will dive into what it is, the methods of load balancing, its benefits, and its uses for load balancing.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes


As firms advance towards a more modern infrastructure, the Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) model is becoming an increasingly popular cloud-based system. Desktop-as-a-Service is a multi-tenant, cloud computing solution in which a service provider furnishes a virtual desktop to an end-user over the internet. A provider typically manages the infrastructure, including the security updates, available desktop applications, data storage, and backups. In specific instances, DaaS users manage these services individually. According to Gartner via Workspot:

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
Vault Logo

What is Vault?

Vault protects and secures access to multiple types of confidential data. It stores and manages sensitive password information, API keys, and access tokens that exist in a low trust environment and generates dynamic access to authenticate users to ensure they have authorized ingress and availability to a file, location, service, or application.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes


Microsoft Exchange Security Update

In this article, we provide updated information concerning the ongoing threat posed by the malware directed at Microsoft Exchange Servers noted in CVE-2021-26855. We also furnish the steps needed to update and secure your Microsoft Exchange Server. In a recent post, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency posted a priority security advisory regarding the recent Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerability. They state:

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Security Information and Event Management (or SIEM) is a subset of the computer security field, where applications and services join forces with security event management and security information management. When united, these disciplines provide significantly improved real-time statistical data and threat analysis of alerts generated by the related applications. The 2021 Internet Security Threat Report from Sophos denotes that are not only the number of attacks on the rise but also the diverse nature of methodologies and vectors of incursions used. This necessitates the fact that adding a SIEM is especially warranted at this time.

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