Tag: Security

Enhance the security of your server by reading through our easy to follow tutorials. From installing firewalls to auto-renewing SSLs, our expansive library is sure to be your bookmark favorite.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The modern digital landscape has hackers who constantly evolve their tactics, so a focus on cyber defense becomes paramount. When cyber threats loom large, businesses and individuals must remain vigilant against the ever-present danger of malware. Given the greater importance of cybersecurity as a priority for online ventures big and small, companies like Malwarebytes are leading the fight against malicious software.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Keeping your data and information secure has never been more important than in this age. Changing your root password is one of the most basic and efficient steps to ensure maximum data security. WebHost Manager, or WHM for short, offers this capability in just a few clicks. It doesn’t matter if you are new or if you already have experience in web development, it's just a matter of time before the need to change the root password on your web server will arise. In this WebHost Manager (WHM) tutorial we will explain how you can do exactly that.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

UFW is the acronym for the Uncomplicated Firewall application used to administer your firewall rules on Ubuntu, Debian, and Arch Linux. As you proactively manage your firewall to avoid cyberattacks, blocking internet protocol (IP) addresses or whitelisting only those IPs allowed are two different firewall management approaches that can assist you. Regardless of the approach, all system administrators want to manage the incoming network traffic and firewall security to stop bad actors with harmful intentions.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In today's ever-changing cybersecurity landscape, protecting your server from potential attackers is critical. AlmaLinux, a stable and community-supported Linux distribution, serves as a solid base for hosting services. However, proactive measures must be made to harden the server's defenses, and Fail2Ban is one such vital tool for this purpose.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

In this article we will examine how to integrate a Bitwarden instance with the Cloudflare Access product from Cloudflare, Inc. Adding an additional degree of security and control is typically required for this integration to communicate with the Bitwarden service for password management.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Kali Linux is an open-source Debian-derived Linux distribution maintained by Offensive Security. Devon Kearns and Mati Aharoni developed it. It was created explicitly for network analysts, penetration testers, or anyone in the cybersecurity field with a requirement for a very detailed scope of effort — including forensics analysis.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Liquid Web’s Cloud has a robust Application Programming Interface (API) that allows for accessing your account from outside the my.liquidweb.com interface. For example, the API can be used to manage and integrate many things directly into your cloud infrastructure. Ranging from the Liquid Web Command Line Interface (LW CLI) utility, our Terraform infrastructure-as-code (IaC) provider, to the Web Host Manager Complete Solution (WHMCS), — the list is endless. 

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Reading Time: 11 minutes

Many options are available when considering which operating system (OS) to use for web hosting. In that context, a popular Linux distribution is often brought up. So, what is CentOS exactly in the world of Linux OSs? The Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS) is an open-source operating system centered around Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) source code.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

If you're a web developer, you've most likely heard about Git, GitHub, DevOps, and GitOps. While DevOps and GitOps are similar approaches to improving the software development process, GitOps is the more modern pathway used today. As companies grow and their software teams expand, they must control their software development while improving efficiency and workflow. But, getting down to brass tacks, what is GitOps really? Let's uncover all that is involved with it.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

MariaDB is a well-known, open-source relational database. The same developers involved with MySQL created MariaDB and promised to keep it open source. It is included in most cloud services and is the default in most Linux variants. It is built on performance, stability, and openness principles,. Furthermore, the MariaDB Foundation guarantees that contributions will be accepted based on technical merit. Your consistent upgrading of MariaDB versions to stay current will ensure you are using the best features in the database platform.

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