Tag: Cloudflare

How To Add Cloudflare to Your Website

Posted on by dpepper | Updated:
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Getting Started With Cloudflare™

Pre-Flight Check

  • This article covers adding Cloudflare through your Liquid Web account and enabling it for a site you host here.
  • In this example, we'll be setting up a new Cloudflare account for an existing domain that will continue to use its current nameservers.
  • Please note that to accurately log website visitor IP addresses and prevent unwanted behavior, we recommend that you activate the mod_cloudflare module on your server as detailed in Part III: How To Configure Your Server to Log Real Visitor IPs. Without this, your server's firewall may block Cloudflare's IP addresses, making your site inaccessible. If you need to check whether the module is already enabled or need assistance installing it, please open a ticket and Heroic Support® will be happy to help.

Step #1: Add Cloudflare to Your Account

In your Manage interface, click on Domains in the left menu and select the Cloudflare tab.

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