Remove a Domain from Your Email Hosting Service

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our email hosting service takes the pain out of setting up email within a VPS.  You get your own space, separate from your VPS server to do simple tasks like setting up a domain to have email.  If you haven’t already explored the features of our Premium Business Email, we offer robust services like Microsoft Exchange that over up to 1 TB worth of space!  Alternatively, if you are looking for something smaller, our Standard and Plus mail service may fit your needs with 25 GB worth of space. Check out how straightforward it is to delete a domain from our user-friendly control panel.

To remove a domain from your Premium Business Email hosting service, log in to your Liquid Web control panel.  If you have never logged into the Liquid Web control panel, you can follow our article to learn how!

Deleting a Domain from our Email Hosting

Performing this action deletes your data permanently. However, the email system retains your mailbox information on the servers for 14 days after permanent deletion. Should you need to recover your deleted mailboxes? Contact our support team to assist with recovery of deleted mailboxes.

1. Log into your Liquid Web control panel.  From the main overview screen, click on the Domains tab on the left-hand side. You will be taken to the Domains Dashboard window, now click on the Email tab.
Domains and Email Hosting Tab in

2. On the Email Domains Dashboard, find the domain that you want to delete and click on the three dots to the right-hand side of the screen. Once you click the three dots, you will be prompted with a Remove Email Service button.
Mail Hosting: Removing Email Domain
3.After you click on the Remove Email Service button you will be presented with window that will ask you to verify that you do indeed wish to delete the email domain from our Premium Business Email service. For confirmation, you will need to type in the email domain, once entered, the Delete all Mailboxes and Messages button will light red.
Email Hosting: Domain Name to Delete

There you have it! Effortlessly remove and add a domain within your control panel, it’ s everything you need to be an email admin, all located in one spot.  Check out our affordable options and find out why more people are switching to Premium Business Email.

Give us a call at 800.580.4985, or open a chat or ticket with us to speak with one of our knowledgeable Solutions or Experienced Hosting advisors to learn about our Dedicated servers and how you can take advantage of these deals today!

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About the Author: Helpful Humans of Liquid Web

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