How to install Apache on Linux (AlmaLinux)

Posted on by Luke Cavanagh | Updated:
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Any website's ability to succeed in the ever-changing world of web hosting depends critically on selecting a reliable web server. The legendary open-source web server Apache has shown to be a dependable and adaptable option throughout the years.

An intricate knowledge of how to install Apache on Linux is necessary for navigating the Linux environment, particularly AlmaLinux. This all-inclusive manual serves as a guiding light for website proprietors by offering a thorough strategy for a smooth Apache HTTP Server installation and optimization procedure.

Understanding the importance of Apache in web hosting

Before getting too technical, it's essential to understand why Apache is still the web server of choice for most website owners. It is indeed so popular that it represents the "A" in the grouping of technologies that work together to make up the "LAMP stack" on a typical web server configuration:

"The base layer is the operating system called Linux, the layer for the web server is Apache, the database layer uses MySQL, and PHP is used as the programming language."

Acclaimed for its dependability, strong security measures, and modular design, Apache is a sturdy base for web hosting. Because of its versatility, which meets a wide range of hosting requirements, it is the recommended option for website admins who want to maintain a safe and effective online presence.

How to install Apache on Linux (AlmaLinux) — Apache HTTP Server

Prerequisites for installation

Before you start the installation process, make sure your system satisfies the requirements. It is imperative that you update your AlmaLinux instance before attempting and learning how to install Apache on Linux. Run the command shown below in your terminal:

sudo yum update
sudo yum upgrade

By ensuring that your system has the most recent security patches and upgrades installed, these commands strengthen it against any potential weaknesses.

Installing Apache on AlmaLinux

Now, let's explore the core of how to install Apache on Linux (AlmaLinux). Execute the following commands in a step-by-step fashion:

sudo yum install httpd

The Apache web server is installed on your system by issuing this straightforward command. Next, start the Apache service itself and set it to launch automatically upon bootup after the installation has finished:

sudo systemctl enable --now httpd

Open your web browser and type in your server's IP address to verify that Apache is up and running. If you see the standard Apache test page, the installation was successful. Congratulations on this successful outcome based on your understanding of how to install Apache on Linux — AlamLinux.

Configuring and customizing Apache for your website

The secret to utilizing Apache's full potential for your website is customization. Before modifying the Apache configuration file, copy the file to keep as a backup. That way you'll have something to revert to, should your optimizations not perform as expected:

sudo cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf{,.bak}

Open the directory containing the Apache configuration file:

sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

You can change configuration parameters within this file, like the document root, server name, and permissions. Optimizing Apache to meet your unique needs guarantees top performance. After making changes, it is a good idea to test the Apache configuration for syntax errors:

sudo apachectl -t -f /path/to/your/httpd.conf

If the test fails, review the error message to identify and correct any issues. Restart Apache after saving your changes:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Securing Apache

Security is a crucial factor in the context of your selected web hosting solution. Use the firewalled application to allow HTTP requests:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

By implementing these security measures, you can protect your Linux (AlmaLinux) Apache installation from potential threats while maximizing its functionality.

Additional tips for optimizing Apache on AlmaLinux

Utilizing virtual hosts

It's best practice for website owners to set up virtual hosts in Apache when managing multiple domains. This setup enables you to host several websites — each with a unique configuration — on a single server.

In the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d/, create a new configuration file to establish a virtual host:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/

Add the following content, replacing with your domain:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/example.com_error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/example.com_access.log combined

Create the document root directory and adjust permissions:

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/
sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/

Then, you must issue the following command, restarting Apache so that the changes take effect:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Enabling HTTPS with Let's Encrypt

Protecting user data on your website requires HTTPS security. All website owners can use Let's Encrypt because it offers free SSL certificates. Set up the Certbot tool:

sudo yum install certbot python3-certbot-apache

After obtaining the SSL certificate for your domain, you can install it using the following command:

sudo certbot --apache -d

Follow the on-screen instructions to configure HTTPS for your website.

Continuous monitoring and maintenance

Keep in mind that ongoing maintenance and observation are crucial for a successful online presence as you put these procedures and optimizations into practice. Keep up with updates, security patches, and new technologies to maintain optimal performance in your web hosting environment.

Expanding your Apache knowledge base

Now that you know how to install Apache on Linux, consider going deeper into more complex configurations and optimizations if you want to become a true Apache specialist. Examine the extensions and modules that can improve Apache's functionality in accordance with your unique needs. Learn how to read Apache logs so that you can diagnose problems more successfully and obtain insight into server activity

Advanced Apache configurations

URL rewriting with mod_rewrite

Examine how you can use mod_rewrite to implement URL rewriting and make URLs cleaner and easier to use. This is especially helpful for enhancing user experience generally and with regard to search engine optimization (SEO).

Load balancing with mod_proxy

When and if receiving a lot of web traffic for your site, try implementing a load balancing solution for it by dividing up incoming requests among several servers using mod_proxy. This module guarantees dependability and outstanding efficiency. Also, you can explore solutions that leverage the HAProxy load balancing software, as another alternative.

Fine-tuning performance with Apache Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs)

Recognize the different Apache Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) available, including Worker, Event, and Prefork, and select the one that best meets the needs of your server.

Monitoring and logging

Apache logs

Examine the Apache error and access logs to learn more about server activity. These logs can be analyzed to track user behavior, find possible problems, and improve server performance in general.

Monitoring tools

Examine external monitoring tools such as Nagios or Prometheus to continuously monitor the status and functionality of your Apache web server. These tools offer real-time data and alerts for proactive management of your server's health. They will facilitate server uptime and issue detection.

Exploring Apache modules for enhanced functionality

Because of its modular architecture, Apache is extensible and can have more features added to it by adding new modules. Let's look at a few key Apache modules that can enhance the functionality of your Apache HTTP Server.

mod_security for Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A powerful web application firewall (WAF) module for Apache called mod_security can improve the security of your online applications. It offers protection from certain kinds of cyberattacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

mod_expires for browser caching

Utilize browser caching with mod_expires to increase website performance. By allowing you to set expiration dates for various file types, this module improves user experience and lowers server load.

mod_deflate for compression

To optimize page load times and conserve bandwidth, use mod_deflate to enable compression. Pages load more quickly thanks to this module's compression of content before sending it to the client, especially for users with slower internet connections.

mod_ssl for SSL/TLS support

If you mange a secure website or handle sensitive information, mod_ssl is essential. It enables encrypted communication between the server and clients by supporting SSL/TLS protocols.

mod_rewrite for URL manipulation

Even though it's frequently used for URL rewriting, mod_rewrite is a flexible module that lets you change URLs according to different criteria. This module can help redirect users to particular pages or create of SEO-friendly URLs.

Bottom line

To sum up, learning how to install Apache on Linux is a big step toward allowing website owners to manage their web hosting setup. With the dependability of AlmaLinux and the flexibility of Apache, you can host your website with confidence.

Liquid Web provides hosting plans that are intended to provide a smooth and optimized web hosting experience for individuals looking for a dependable hosting company. Upgrade the functionality of your website and take the next step toward building a solid online presence. Start hosting multiple websites on one server with Liquid Web today.

Accept that web hosting is a constantly changing field as you embark on this journey. Keep asking questions, take initiative, and see how your website grows. Recall that the process of improvement and adjustment continues long after installation.

Once you have learned how to install Apache on Linux, continue learning more about Apache by investigating complex configurations, NGINX vs. Apache, optimizing performance, and adding more modules to increase functionality. Explore the world of Apache modules and learn how you can optimize your web server. By learning something new every day, you're not only improving the functionality of your website but also strengthening its defenses against the constantly changing threats of the digital world.

So grab hold of the controls, investigate Apache's extensive capabilities, the Linux-based LAMP technology stack, and watch as your website soars to new levels of dependability and performance. The road never ends, and your website will prosper in the dynamic realm of web hosting as long as you keep learning new things.

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About the Author: Luke Cavanagh

Product Operations Manager at Liquid Web. Devoted husband and Tween wrangler. Synthwave enthusiast. Jerry Goldsmith fan. Doctor Who fan and related gubbins.

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