Author: Haritha Jacob

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The security and durability of your digital assets are critical considerations in the dynamic field of web administration. Making routine backups is one of the fundamental habits that each watchful website owner should adopt. But there is a reliable and simple method that uses the terminal and command line, as opposed to depending on sophisticated software programs or third-party applications.

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

In today's online world, maintaining website security is vital. With new cyber threats popping up all the time, website owners have to be extra careful to protect their data and keep their visitors' trust. That's where Liquid Web comes in. We're all about making sure your website stays secure, no matter what.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

In the world of websites, keeping things fresh is a big deal. If you run a WordPress website, it has a central engine called the "WordPress core" that needs regular updates to run smoothly and stay secure. While there's an automatic update option, some of us want a bit more say in how things are done. That's where WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface) comes in handy. Think of it as your tool for giving your website the exact care it needs.

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